The $20 a month will be worth it for no commercials and now Pawn Stars, and Real Housewives can tape at the same time, marital problems solved! We can also stream our Netflix though Tivo and watch them at home without waiting for them to ship!
Next exciting thing that happened. Was that I got an iPhone 4!!! Now I can Face Time with my mom and sister all the way across the country. Technology really is pretty cool. Radio Shack bought my old phone for $125 and and iPhone was $150 so I walked away only $25 in the hole! Well worth it for the upgraded phone!!!
Now picture me and mom/sister!
In other news Christmas is quickly approaching. I am so excited for the family to come visit!!! For Harry Potter land, and for the new year! Students will be leaving this week so work is going to pretty slow! I planned some fun events for the residents like cookie decorating, ornament decorating, and gingerbread house decorating, and I plan on participating in all since no one will come!
Bryan got his wisdom teeth out today. He has reached his surgery quota for the next couple years. He did well except when we were driving and blood started gusing from the mouth. The doctor said it was because he was talking to much...imagine that. When he woke up the first thing he said was he wanted to go to work, imagine that! Anyway him and Luke are curled up on the couch with the new Tivo. I have made a few trips up to hand out medicine, and change bloddy gauze!
Anyways that is all in my life right now! Waiting for 6:00 to go upstairs lay around with Luke and my Chipmunk!
Merry Christmas to yourself! You work hard so you deserve it! Can't wait to see you in 3 weeks!
ReplyDeleteHaha Bryan talking too much??? No way! Jealous of your new iphone and the Tivo. I don't have either, does that mean I need to be modernized?
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to lay around your house and watch TiVo with you:) 2 weeks....