Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"The Married Life"

Hello Blog World!

There are a few reasons that I have decided to attempt blogging.
1. Two of my very lovely friends have one, and I can't feel out of the loop.
2. Now that my wedding is over, I need something to occupy my time with when work is slow.
3. None of my family/friends live near me I can update everyone about my life at once, I always forget what I tell one person, and not the other.

So this past weekend was my wedding weekend!!! So I am now a "married" woman. Which legally I have been for several months, but my friends could argue longer than that with my lameness factor the past year or so. Oh guys still love me. The wedding day was perfect it went off without a hitch. Thanks to all my great family and friends, and the wedding planner, and apparently a couple of tequila shots before going down the aisle led by my mother! My friends looked awesome in there coral pink dresses, although one friends dress was a little lighter than the rest (you know who you are).

I had to remember a lot my wedding day. Smile at all times, keep hand on hip to maximize skinny arm, whether or not I wanted a conch shell blown, put the ring on the left finger (I had to make a mental L on my hand up at the alter), not mess up my vows, hold flowers at hip, and hold kiss for 3 second. Now all this is a lot of pressure, especially in front of an audience. But I rocked it!

So marriage life has been treating me pretty much the same as not married.
- Wake up argue who is going to take the dog out ( I win)
- Come home for lunch argue who is going to take the dog out
- Argue who gets the remote
-Go to bed and argue who is going to take the dog out (Since Bryan is usually passed out on the couch at this point, he wins)

So now I have several things to look forward to!
1. Harry Potter Land in December with all my favorite people, I can't wait to drink butterbeer, test out a wand (although Holly burst my bubble only one person in the shop gets to test it, and it's usually a cute little kid...Damn). Now we just have to convince Kala to wear her costume:

2. Kala's wedding will be here before we know it. I have big MOH shoes to fill Kala had double MOH duty, so hopefully I can make it really good only one time around! Her speech was amazing, brought me back to out public speaking class days only she said umm, and like a whole lot less. FYI Kala I started my speech far I have thanks everyone for coming. I have time though.

3. My dream cruise to Italy/Greece! Hopefully I can make it happen I have been wanting to go for several years now. Gotta start brushing up on my Italian.

So I will try to keep updating on my exciting life of leasing, Luke, and marital bliss..haha.
Oh and my diet which starts tomorrow, haha the alarm is all set for 7 lets see if I can wake up and go work out....Then again maybe it should start on Monday.


  1. I love your exciting events and I hope you keep winning your marital arguments!

  2. haha so many things to comment on about your blog! Lets hope you last longer than Twitter because I don't know anyone on Twitter anymore!

    I'm definitely wearing my costume to HPLand but I'm not sharing the wand, sorry!

    I'm so excited you've started your speech! I can't wait to hear it!

    And you can't go to Greece til I can afford it!
